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Purchase only the best

Discover this exclusive range of high-quality spiritual recordings that will help you achieve a transcendent state of mind.  The catalogue is updated frequently so stay tuned and keep your library up-to-date.  

In addition to their power and effectiveness, these recordings will have a significant effect on the listeners.

Abstract Flame
Vedic Rhythm Of Africa

Transcending Matters is proud to present the long-awaited "Vedic Mantras" album by Tarun Hari Das. It is the first time a Vedic Mantra Album of this kind has been made available.


A beautifully illustrated 54-page booklet that accompanies the album provides a comprehensive explanation of each mantra in a beautifully illustrated way.  The concept of this album is mainly inspired by the world rhythm of Africa combined with Vedic mantras voiced and produced by Tarun Hari Das.

Faint Glow

A powerful hypnosis session with Tarun Hari Das.  


The full spectrum hypnosis session lasts for one hour, the length of time needed so the subconscious mind is constantly encouraged to learn new patterns and activities in order to bring about genuine change. A truly refreshing experience, the meditation experience is both magical and importantly practical for those of us living stressful lives today.

This recording has been compiled scientifically using the knowledge of psychology, hypnotherapy, and spirituality combined to provide maximum benefits. This recording features a powerful life-changing session with Tarun Hari Das in which you will achieve a truly profound state of being and the feeling of being purified and healed.

This recording is superb for easing and reversing Mental stress, easing mental disorders, and removing traumatic mindsets either from the past or from the present.  Get back your optimism for life and feel brand new.

Listen with headphones at a low to comfortable volume for best results.  There is no need to listen at full volume.

Bright Gradient
Quilted Bliss

528 Hz 

Can frequency heal you?

On a therapeutic level, exposure to certain sound frequencies has been shown to alter brain and body activities in ways that promote lower stress levels and a higher self-healing immunological response.

What does 528 Hz do to the body?

The frequency of 528 Hz is believed to be so powerful that it can help repair DNA damage, bring peace and harmony, and restore equilibrium to everything around it. It is believed that when your body is in harmony it vibrates at around 62–68Hz and anything lower than this can contribute to a weakened immune system.

Is 528 Hz scientifically proven?

A peer-reviewed double-blind study published by nerve cell researchers found that 528 waves in music boost human immunity 100% by enhancing antioxidant activity. 528 waves also protected the central nervous system of alcoholics by 20%.

What is the best frequency for manifesting?

Created to assist in meditations and is especially powerful and used as part of manifesting routines. 528Hz is an ancient solfeggio frequency also known as "The love frequency" known for its powerful and positive healing qualities.

Candy Cotton

Relax and plug out from a noise-polluted world and plug into tranquillity and beauty.  This seven-track Mini album is the perfect tool for unwinding and resetting the inner energy vortexes otherwise known as chakras.  This can be used for any type of meditation as well as for easing tension in the mind.  

A beautiful selection of Rhythm-less music produced by Tarun Hari Das - Designed to listen to all in one go.

Buy the album and get both short and long-length versions of all tracks for £4.99

Golden Steel Plate

Powerful Hypnotic Affirmations are scientifically designed, recorded, and mixed in a way that will definitely get the subconscious self to accept the new programming.

Aligning with affirmations can be a mentally challenging thing especially when the mind is used to the old programming and is finding it hard to let go of.  Often at times when listening to or reading affirmations, the mind's negative aspect is lurking in the background ready to distort the information coming in.

These affirmations have been recorded to overcome the mind's ability to defend information coming in and going straight to the subconscious self relating to both the masculine and feminine energy that we all are.

There are two tracks on this single release.  The first one is with the affirmations high in the mix so they can be audible heard and felt.  The second mix is with the affirmations buried quietly in the mix for deeper subconscious programming.  Listen to this daily with headphones for the best effect.  Listen with headphones at a low to comfortable volume for best results.  There is no need to listen at full volume.

Gayatri Mantra
Peak Rays Meditations
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